on the nature of Beograd part 1

Underneath Beograd a fire burns. It does not consume, nor otherwise destroy. Well, save for the occasional cevap. Simmering cool in whites and pale yellows, the fire merely assists our will to breathe. On a moment’s notice, a climax of purples and vampish reds erupts into the passions our people are known for. In the rare instances when a darker fire breaks through and the path is steered toward inner self-destructive tendencies, our beloved White City falls into the flames but soon reemerges. There is no stopping a Serbian phoenix.

Like many others before and after me, Beograd stole my heart in a manner very becoming of its charms. Before I knew it, I was off the market and destined (or perhaps doomed? ;p) to live out my days in the mercy of the glories of Serbia. The journey has rarely been easy, at times the expression “a labor of love” seems too diplomatic a choice of words. Perhaps this year has filled me with a healthy serving of inat, a special Serbian brand of perserverence and tenacity. As Shakespeare wrote “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to remove. Oh no! It is an ever fix’ed mark.” My heart lives in Serbia and I cannot bend.

Recently I was musing with someone over how an Orange County girl ended up halfway around the world. The ensuing responses couldn’t have been more on mark. God must remind us from time to time who is really in charge, and damn does He have a wicked sense of humour!


Filed under Life

6 responses to “on the nature of Beograd part 1

  1. christinaalquisira

    Oh that wicked sense of humor. Let me tell you, it sure has thrown my life in a loop!!! Great blog Andi. Hope to read more soon….

  2. Anon

    Just stumbled across your blog… Great stuff! How about an update?

  3. Jim Goodwin

    The truth sometimes finds itself to be slithery and elusive. I imagine you in the mist of Serbia, walking the hills, finding shepherds to share a drink and something to eat. Maybe now is a goodtime to sing.

  4. I can tell that this is not the first time at all that you write about the topic. Why have you decided to touch it again?

  5. thereviewsite

    God absolutely does have a wicked sense of humor!! Cheers on a great article, and keep writing!

  6. In my opinion, Mars is the most wonderous body orbiting the Sun. Whilst these rovers are discovering great things, there needs to be human hands on Mars to gain any insight as to the existence of living organisms on the planet, since it is most likely to exist way beneath the ground. With a manned crew on Mars, we would have full laboratories to properly examine any samples – something we have not been able to accomplish at all with robots and a tiny payload. I only wish The Mars Society can succeed in their goals before this new decade is out.

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